The New Kingdom

Eighteenth Dynasty - 1575 BC

Ahmose Nebpehtire Ahmose Amosis - 25 25 22
- - Chebron 13 13 13 -
Amenhotep I Djeserkare Amenhotpe Amenophis 24 21 20 21
Tutmoses I Akheperenre Dhutmose - - - - 4
Tutmoses II Akheperenre Dhutmose - - - - 18
Hatshepsut Makare Hashepsowe Amessis 22 - 21 20
Tutmoses III Menkheperre Dhutmose Mephres 13 12 12 54
Amenhotep II Akheprure Amenhotpe Mephramuthosis 16 26 25 23
Tutmoses IV Menkheprure Dhutmose Thmosis 9 9 9 8
Amenhotep III Nebmare Amenhotpe Amenophis 31 31 30 37
- - Oros 37 36 36 -
Amenhotep IV Neferkheprure-waenre Akhenaten Acencheres I 32 12 12 17
Smenkhkare Ankhkheprure Smenkhkare Rathotis 6 - 9 3
Tutankhamun Nebkheprure Tutankhamun Acencheres II 12 8 12 9
Ay Kheperkheprure Itnute-Ay Acencheres III 12 15 12 4
Horemhab Djeserkheprure Haremhab Harmais 5 5 4 27

Nineteenth Dynasty - 1308 BC

Rameses I Menpehtire Ramesse Rameses 1 - 1 2
Sethi I Menmare Sety-merenptah - - - - 11
Rameses II Usimare-setpenre Ramesse-maimun Harmesses - 68 66 67
Merneptah Binere-meramun Merenptah-hotphimae Amenophis 19 40 19 10
Sethi II Usikheprure-setpenre Sety-merenptah Sethos - - - 6
- - Sethos 51 55 - -
- - Rapsaces 61 66 - -
- - Ammenephthes 20 40 - -
- - Ramesses 60 - - -
Amenmesse Menmire-setpenre Amenmesse-hekawise Ammenemnes 5 26 - -
Siptah Sekhaenre-setpenre Ramesse-siptah - - - - 6
Twosre Sitre-meryamun Twosre-seteptenmut Thuoris 7 7 - 8?

Twentieth Dynasty - 1184 BC

Setnakhte Usikhaure-meramun-setpenre Setnakhte-mererre-meramun - - - - 2
Ramesses III Usimare-meramun Ramesse-hekaon - - - - 32
Ramesses IV Hekamare-setpenamun Ramesses-hekamae-meramun - - - - 6
Ramesses V Usimare-sekheperenre Ramesse-amenhikhopshef-nutehekaon - - - - 4
Ramesses VI Nebmare-meramun Ramesses-amenhikhopshef-nutehekaon - - - - 7
Ramesses VII Usimare-meramun-setpenre Ramesses-itamun-nutehekaon - - - - -
Ramesses VIII Usimare-akhenamun Ramesses-sethikhopshef-meramun - - - - -
Ramesses IX Neferkare-setpenre Ramesse-khaemwise-mereramnu - - - - 17
Ramesses X Khepermare-setpenre Ramesse-Amenhikhopshef-meramnu - - - - 3
Ramesses XI Menmare-setpenptah Ramesse-khaemwise-mereramnu-nutehekaon - - - - 27

Nomen and Prenomen Number in Josephus
Number in Africanus Highest year
Number in Eusebius

The Highest year is the latest year mentioned on the monuments or in the papyrii.